When you’re trying to decide on the best gas grill for the money, there are a number of factors that you need to consider. There is no question that grilling is an enjoyable and delicious way to prepare food. However, you need to realize that the higher the quality of the gas grill that you select, the more money that you will have to spend in the long run. Therefore, you want to select a grill that is both dependable and durable so that you don’t have to put a lot of additional cost on replacement grates or lids year after year.
- One factor that is going to affect your choice is the type of fuel source that it accepts. Typically, you will have two choices: charcoal or propane. You can cook your meals with either one of these, but you will notice a huge difference in the taste of the food if you use the wrong fuel source. Keep in mind that charcoal tends to be the stronger flavor and you don’t want to use it for your main course meals, as the taste can become quite strong, but for those quick and easy snacks, you may find that using propane is just as good.
- In terms of the temperature of the flame, it is important to understand that there is such a thing as a decent cooking area. If you’re looking for the hottest flames, then you will need an infrared gas burner. These are ideal for any time you need a super hot grill. However, if you want a medium heat that produces a steady flame, then you will want a propane burner. Keep in mind that you do sacrifice some convenience when choosing between these two options because they take up more room and they cost more money, but they offer you and excellent flavor in your meals.
- Another key consideration is the size of the cooking surface on which you plan to grill your food. On the one hand, the bigger the griddle is the more surface area you will have available to you, but this also means that the grill will require more fuel in order to maintain the temperature that it reaches. For this reason, many people opt for a 12 inch stainless steel gas griddle for their barbecue needs. This will allow them to use their favorite barbecue sauces and other items on the griddle without having to worry about burning their food, but they don’t suffer from quite the significant inconvenience of the larger hinged griddle size.
- The final consideration when looking for the best freestanding gas grill for the money is the wheels. You will generally find that the more expensive grills offer a pair of wheels that will allow you to transport the unit easily, but this can become a disadvantage if you plan on taking the grill with you on trips where the wheels are not where you would prefer them to be. Many of these wheels are also rather expensive, so if you are planning on purchasing a set, you may wish to consider buying the separate wheels that can be found for the cheaper models.
To save even more money on your purchase, you should consider purchasing a unit with a built in warranty. While most of these units come with six month or a one year warranty, some of the cheaper ones only offer two year warranty coverage. If you buy a grill that comes with a built in warranty, you should purchase the extended warranty when you purchase the unit as well. This will ensure that you are not out more money in the event that your unit breaks down within the warranty period. However, keep in mind that most of the higher end models that will come with a warranty do so for an extended period of time, so if you can afford to pay the extra money up front, you may end up saving yourself even more money in the end by finding a more expensive model that has no built in warranty.